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I Been On...

Nastassia Rena

In 2011 I launched a blog titled “Beauty for Ashes,” discussing all things beauty... This included hair, fashion, and skincare. I had just graduated from Paul Mitchell the year before and wanted to ensure I had my hand in everything that fell under that umbrella. So why not add beauty blogging to the mix?

I remember my very first post was on 11/11/11, and it was about Natural Hair. The title of that blog post was “Hair It Is!” I expressed my love for natural hair and encouraged black women to embrace their beautiful kinks and curls. I gave many tips on how to care for and maintain our natural hair. I made sure that I had pictures of black celebrities embracing and showing off their natural hair. I even talked about the different types of hair and knowing which one you had so that you could properly care for it. I. discussed protective styling and its benefits, but also when to know to give your hair a break. We all know that too much of a good thing can become bad for you. I talked about curl patterns, hair density, and porosity. When I say, I discussed everything… I discussed everything!

My second post was on salon management. See, I knew then that owning a salon was cool and something I wanted to do, but properly managing it and making it work for you was where it was at! I discussed how to properly staff, stock your salon and back bar, and how to treat customers. I gave tips on how keeping a Rolodex with information about every client, whether yours or not, was necessary. I even talked about salon finances and the significance of having an accounting and bookkeeping system in place. I mentioned business credit, filing taxes, 401k’s, and IRAs.

I didn't know that 12 years ago, I was on to something. I didn't have the faith and courage that I have now to put myself out there. I made so many excuses about why it wouldn't work, and I thought I didn't have a platform or enough followers. I felt like most do today - that you need 10k or more followers and likes to be considered successful or feel like you made it. Long story short, I didn't trust God. I wanted to be in control. I had an idea far from His of what it meant to be on. When God gives you a vision, for it to come to pass, you must trust Him and put Him first so that when you do become successful and blow up, He will get the glory. Monday, while listening to a sermon by Robert Madu, he said that cemeteries are the wealthiest places on the planet because of all the wasted potential buried there. I felt that…

I’ll admit that I still feel like I am not enough and won’t be seen occasionally. I still find myself struggling to get things going, but I am putting forth the effort. I’m recording the videos and posting the pictures. I am engaging and asking for help. I am doing research and investing. I believe that what is for me will be for me. I have realized that I been on... I will keep up with my blog, no matter how many views, comments, or likes, as well as other business ventures I started. The difference is that every step will be ordered by my daddy (God), and I will put my trust in Him.

I've been on... Who gon' take me off?!?

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